...in the airport unfortunatelly. The 'sky link' i was supposed to be on was broken because of the 'normal average' flight delay of a fucking cheap airline like sky europe. The delay? 1h30. The result.. 11h in wonderful vien.
December 20, 2007
December 6, 2007
A nu se citi la serviciu
Tocmai am tras o portie de ras la birou cum n-am mai apucat demultisor, asa ca textul bate iutiubu de departe, parerea mea, prin bogatia imaginilor pe care le zugraveste in mintile cetetorilor...
Desi nu tocmai appropriate pt ziua de azi, cititi aici si va veseliti :).
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Labels: pure fun
December 5, 2007
Mos Nicolae
Chiar daca pentru Cehi (mai ales cei tineri) religia nu are un rol important (40% sunt atei, cam la egalitate cu procentul de catolici), Mos Nicolae sau Mikulash cum ii zic cehii, este celebrat cu mare fast, dupa cum urmeaza sa va exemplific prin imagini graitoare.
Traditia consemneaza ca 'patrule' formate din 3 personaje: Mikulas, Ingerul si dracu sa colinde strazile pentru a 'ancheta' copiii in legatura cu faptele pe care le-au facut in anul trecut. Daca copii sunt smecheri sinceri si il prostesc conving pe Sfant ca au facut numai fapte bune, primesc dulciuri din desaga mosului, daca nu, ii da pe mana lui scaraotchi care ii baga in lichituri* mai ales daca poarta costume realiste ca cel de mai jos:Multa lume, agitatie mare cu Mikulasii, care mai de care costumat mai fistichiu, totul in arome de carnati, vin fiert, colaci secuiesti cam la o treime ca marime fata de cei din ro, care costa 2 euro, trasuri cu cai facandu-si cu greu loc prin multime si totusi o atmosfera destinsa, lumea vesela, aer de sarbatoare.
In comparatie cu Craciunul (care pare mult mai anost sarbatorit), Sf Nicolae este cam principala atractie a sarbatorilor de iarna la Cehi, ceea ce-mi aduce aminte de faptul ca desi, noi n-avem Mikulas, avem in schimb obiceiurile noastre fermecatoare cu colinde care ar stoarce o lacrima si lui mr Burns, capra si ursul care pentru niste copii mici pot fi la fel de grotesti ca sarsaila de mai sus. Carevasazica nu ducem lipsa dom'le de sarbatori fericiti :)
Iaca si un slaidşou (de vazut cu captions on)
*a baga in sperieti :)
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Labels: czech republic, praga
Couch surfing
Weird title huh?
It was my first reaction to this website when i first ran into it yesterday.
Until then, to me, the cheapest possible way of sleeping relatively safe within 4 walls in a distant location was finding some cheap hostel. Well, it seems there are cheaper, more interesting alternatives.
I actually had this idea on my mind, of how much good you can do someone by providing a place to sleep given the fact that the guest is a decent, well behaved individual. The problem was, how to trust someone you've never seen in your life?
Actually, trust is one of the biggest issue in the human world, if we would all trust each other there would be no need for 90% of the crap that makes life hard. But this might be worthy to discuss in another post.
This site, as i got to learn from a glance, has some kind of ratings for both hosts and guests. It's a really nice idea that would be worth a better site design.
So, before you set to explore Bahrain and worry about the sky high hotel prices, try this site and your new friend Jammal will probably wait for you in a customized limo to take you to his gorgeous mansion (these come with the citizenship over there).
Happy traveling!
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December 4, 2007
First decent snow in Prague
A couple of weeks ago, on a sunny tuesday when the water wasn't running in the Monster office and we had a day off, I took advantage of the favorable circumstances and wandered through the city to take some pictures.
Hopefully some of them would be worthy of being called photos. This is what i came up with :)
Enjoy :)
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Labels: english, photography